Business, Accounting & Financial Studies




Business and financial activities are integral to our daily lives as we work, consume, save, and invest. In addition to equipping students with the knowledge and skills needed for managing these activities in adulthood, business education aims to promote qualities of good citizenship. Students will have opportunities to develop ethical and responsible behavior, enabling them to fulfill their roles effectively as consumers, investors, employees, and entrepreneurs in adult life.


Curriculum Aims:


  • To provide students at the senior secondary level with fundamental business knowledge and skills, and to develop their positive values and attitudes, so that they can fulfill their roles competently and confidently as consumers, investors, employees, and/or entrepreneurs.
  • To develop students’ generic skills in research, analysis, leadership, team-building, communication, critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, etc.
  • To explore different aspects of business to prepare students for life, learning, and employment.


Curriculum Framework:


* Only the Accounting Module will be offered by our school


Carrer Pathways:



Mr. CHENG Yuen Siu, Ms. Ho Siu Chun


Useful Resources:


  1. BAFS curriculum


  1. Business Subjects – Learning and Teaching Resources 
    (Senior Secondary – S4-S6)




Visit the Brand and Product Expo


Financial talk at Citibank